Why do I keep getting this?

Is it mirroring me?

We often ask what message it has for us when our partner/another person is behaving in a humiliating, aggressive way: lying, cheating etc. and we regard them as a mirror.

Am I like them because this is how they are mirroring me?

The answer is: no. This is not how mirrors work.

The mirror is not you. The mirror shows you what you are.

Our society, instead of turning our attention within, reinforces all that is outside – but it is tricky because all that is outside comes from within.

You are not supposed to look at what the other is like.

Observe what all this brings forth from within you! What feelings, thoughts, states emerge because of them? Creation wants to direct your attention to these feelings, vibrations, energies and qualities.

These qualities are inside you. They couldn’t emerge in your awareness if they weren’t present in you.

Your job is to purify, work with and get rid of the negative emotions and qualities when they arise. It is not about pointing fingers at the other. If you are operating a victim mentality, your mirror will keep reflecting that as long as you carry it within you.

When it is no longer in you because you embrace your true self, light-heartedness and dignity, allowing yourself to be honoured and loved – that is what your mirror is going to reflect back.



Photo by Vince Fleming on Unsplash
