What Does Awareness Mean?

Awareness perhaps means allowing yourself to see.

To see your story, your reality, the story of your ancestors. It means being able to see the secrets, to read the imprint of a hidden phrase, object, emotion, important traumas, joys and through this to understand your own life and your reactions and emotional fixations to situations.

Awareness can essentially make you the best detective in the unseen realms. Where secrets lurk; secrets that are the guardians of your generational or individual traumas. 

For it is the secret that keeps trauma alive, like a lantern with the evil spirit in it, in one of the most toxic and long-lasting ways.

Resolution can always come with the revelation of the secret, because there the picture comes together and everyone can take their place in the story. And you can understand who you are and what has affected you.

In many cases, it becomes clear that we are not really living our own destiny, that we are not hindered by our present-day circumstances, but by the secrets of our ancestors. But awareness is a storehouse of hidden keys. 

It unlocks the chests of ill fate, and if the secret is revealed, it no longer poisons. That is its nature.



Photo by Yoann Boyer on Unsplash
