We are waiting…

We are waiting. 

We are waiting for a miracle to happen and for the Universe to grant it. It always does. It puts it in front of us.

The encounters, the moments, the signs. Because the Universe and we are not separated. In our moments of clarity when the blessing arrives, we are ourselves. There, somehow, a gentle hand pushes aside our doubts, our fears, our beliefs. 

Then, for a moment, the Universe and the Earth come together and we truly become the ladder that can move freely up and down. That’s when miracles happen.

We wait for miracles and then we get them. From the Universe, from the Earth, from ourselves, from others. From life. 

Then, what is inside you gets tested, because no miracle can become reality if you build walls. The miracle knocks once, but it will not bang the door. Everything will be as you want it to be. A miracle could transform everything in your life. But it will not shout out loud for you to notice it.

Believe me, if you would fearlessly go with what you are given and not focus on the difficulties, everything would work out. 

Did you get love? It’s a miracle. Stick to it and everything will fall into place! 

Did you get a child, although not when you wanted it? Take it! 

Did you get a hug? Or a tragedy? Joy or sorrow? If you are not afraid, it all will sort everything out in the best possible way for you. 

Because that is the nature of miracles.

See it, decide for it, and get on with it! The rest will fall into place. 

We are waiting. And we shouldn’t have to. What you’ve been waiting for is happening right now.

You are the Universe. You are the Earth. And inside you is the ladder. 

Berni Barna

Excerpt from the upcoming Book of Roses


Photo by Ivan Lapyrin on Unsplash
