There’s no such thing as (spiritual) ‘development’

The greatest illusion a large percentage of the readers is probably ‘suffering’ from is that there is something called (spiritual) ‘development’. My experience is that getting rid of this illusion is perhaps the most difficult.

Because your present self seems to be better/cleverer/wiser than the one you were some years ago. But who you were some years ago is also better/cleverer/wiser than the one you were many-many years ago.

And if you compare your present self to the one you will be 1-2 years later, then that is the better/cleverer/wiser one. 

Therefore, you are not good enough NOW either, if you think of it this way – because there is still work to do on yourself or your life. 

But your older self wasn’t good ENOUGH either as you still had to polish it some more.

Let me tell you, the one you are going to be 2 years from now won’t be good enough either because you will still have some work to do with it.

So, we CONTINUOUSLY suffer from ‘not being good enough’. 

And can never say NOW I am perfect and I don’t want to change anything… because we are afraid that not wanting to change anything would mean staying this way forever.

That is why we humans constantly suffer from this stressful state of ‘I must improve’, ‘I must get better’ and we never reach the state of self-love as there is always something to fix…

Well, that is what we had better stop. You don’t have to change; you DON’T NEED TO IMPROVE. You are just fine exactly the way you are.

And – since there is no time either – it is an illusion that you are changing, when actually you are not.

Accept yourself and don’t strive to change – because wanting to change means you are ‘not good enough’ – that is what you keep telling yourself. 

There are no ‘levels’ here. There is no such thing as ‘spiritual’ development.


Photo by Ashley Batz on Unsplash
