There is only NOW

It is useless for me to say that there is only NOW, as long as you think that you are defined by your past. This assumes that you have to correct the past effects and that you have to ‘work’ in the present to have a good future.

But how do you let go of this?

Make a reminder for yourself, which can be a mantra (such as ‘It doesn’t matter’, ‘There is only now’) or a hand gesture or whatever helps you to get out of your conditioning for a moment!

Tolle also says that every moment when you are not enlightened, is an opportunity to get enlightened. 

If you realize at any moment that there is no time, and you say your mantra, or take a deep breath – if you really put energy into this, you can get out of this conditioning.

There’s a big gravitational field of unconsciousness, and when you practice consciousness you manage to get a little bit disconnected from it, but then you always fall back. You get pulled back by the unconscious parts of you.

However, when you have generated enough awareness, then you realize that you can break away, and then you don’t fall back. I mean, there will be a part of you that will always fall back, because as long as you’re alive, you have a human part – but otherwise you won’t fall back.

So, to get it right: the point of this method is not to chant the mantra properly, but to do what works for you and to put awareness into it. 

It doesn’t matter what you do, as long as you put your awareness into it!


Photo by Shantanu Kulkarni on Unsplash
