The miracle of collapse

Your chances of survival in any situation and in any area of your life depend on your resilience. 

Resilience means whether or not you can break down your attachments, your belief systems and change your habits. 

This is difficult because your current habits have given you a sense of security. 

Essentially, you have to break down your ideas of security. 

You need to find safety in the unknown. Safety and confidence in that which goes against every cell in your body. 

This is a difficult process, because the biochemical processes raging in your body are also claiming your old systems

Your previous habits, reactions, emotions have got your brain used to different chemicals. So, with new habits, new chemicals will be created. 

Essentially you have to wean off and get used to something else. 

It takes time and it takes serious work and awareness.


Photo by Naomi August on Unsplash
