The Essential Key

Every person has an essential key to themselves.

Usually this is the one we avoid the most.

We often hear the phrase ‘I’ve worked so hard on myself and I still haven’t got what I want’. But this statement is misleading, as it only tells us about the stage we are at in the big process and about the negative vibration, the resignation, that is still present. 

Inner work is in fact a process – and the focus should not be on the end point, but on the present: on the moment where we are, where we are going, where we are travelling, where we have already arrived. We say this sentence when we have not yet arrived at the essential solution.

And it usually seems so big, elusive, special and distant precisely because it is the closest. We’re already in it and we don’t even notice it. Even the most conscious ones. It is precisely this essential key that we most avoid, dismiss, or ignore, or simply have not yet been able to reveal in its reality: it is the essential pattern we got from our parents!

It’s a lived, ingrained vibration, received, experienced, directly from our mothers, fathers, or those who raised us. The closest vibration. Not the generational one. Not the past life. Not the many other lives… but the vibration of our mother and/or father.

The attitudes, the behaviors, the belief systems, the habits that we have simply taken on, through them. (Not because of them – by them!) 

That which holds the greatest resistance within us towards perfect fulfillment! Which is essentially why we don’t allow ourselves to live what we truly desire. 

The pressure to conform that we’ve become accustomed to and replicate: the surrender of control to some external, perceived greater power. (Mark Wollynn, for example, talks about this in the first part of his book It Didn’t Start With You – well worth a read.)

There are a few common and general misconceptions about this, one of which is the ‘I’ve already resolved this’. If this is indeed the case and it is resolved, then on a physical level everything you desire is already there, already with you. Because the physical realm is just a manifestation of your vibrations. 

The other misconception: ‘I had a good childhood and a good relationship with my parents’. Yes, maybe. Many people have had good childhoods. But everyone has their own subconscious patterns of behavior and belief systems, which were fixed in the fetal stage and childhood years (the first thousand days after conception according to psychology, but a general definition is the first year after birth, or the first 6-7 years at most). 

And precisely because these are not remembered consciously, only subconsciously, they are very defining, deeply ingrained qualities. It is also common for the ego to cover up great traumas by making itself believe that everything was fine and good. 

Another common thing is that the relationship with parents was really good, but at the same time there are still false patterns of the child of wanting to please them or someone or something else, which are embedded in the first vibrations and experiences.

We have to be able to unlock these essential keys… It’s worth it.


Photo by Dimitri on Unsplash
