Since I left illusions behind…

Since I left illusions behind, the way I have been experiencing things is this: there is me who sees it all, all that is happening outside – but it doesn’t really touch me. I have sobered up.

I think you are in a daze as long as things affect your inner essence by evoking strong emotions and you can’t see those emotions in their reality. And their reality is transience.

As long as you feel they will have an effect on your life, they will become your substance. But they are not.

It is difficult to explain. But I will try. For example I am angry. I am angry because someone has been unfair with me. They have pushed some button of mine. I am angry and I don’t pretend that I’m not.

I’m not lying “I love everyone” – I simply feel the anger. Because that is normal. But I don’t think it should have any long-term consequence in my life.

I am not keeping it in and I don’t feel guilty. I simply accept that this is also me.

This situation is also part of life and I choose to experience it. I don’t dwell in it for long, won’t torture myself or poison myself with the emotion or the guilt. I just allow it.

I let myself live it and I know it will not change my essence. I think this is what they call acceptance.

I am angry and I accept it. I am sad, and I accept it. It is clear for me that there are all kinds of things in life. I experience it but I know that it shall pass and that it won’t change my inner substance.

The only thing that can poison you is what penetrates your mind and you let is stay there instead of accepting and then letting it go.

Berni Barna

Photo by Alisa Anton on Unsplash
