I am going to attract it

My favorite illusions are ‘I am going to attract it’, ‘I will manifest it’ and the ‘secret’.

If only you knew how many people I met who have completed all the courses on manifestation, read all the bestsellers, done the practices, meditated, taken notes, kept improving themselves but there was always something they couldn’t ‘solve’ or overcome, couldn’t manifest, couldn’t take that step, something they just couldn’t accept. 

There was always something. Always.

And there always will be – creating inner peace is about ACCEPTING what is and not wanting to change it.


I know this is what you read everywhere, to CHANGE your life… but if it was possible to change your life, everyone would be super happy and rich.

No, you cannot change your life.

Because – as above, so below – you will always be experiencing things based on your inner conditioning

Therefore, you cannot attract anything into your life because you experience yourself in the outside world EVERY MOMENT; that is: you will ALWAYS see outside what is inside you.

You don’t have money? Well, I’m sorry, it is you who likes being poor.

You don’t accept yourself? It is because you like hating yourself.

You don’t have a relationship that is fully all right? It is you who needs the drama.

I could go on…

The ALCHEMY means the inner transformation: once you change INSIDE, all will change on the OUTSIDE. 

And if you cannot find on the outside what you were looking for? That is because it isn’t there inside of you. 

So, whatever you long for, whatever you would like in your life, the only reason it isn’t there is that you don’t allow it for yourself.

And however hard you work, it won’t happen. Because if it worked, you could already change NOW…

So it is not that simple to just attract it… but I can 100% guarantee you can achieve anything you wish – if you let everything go

But since people don’t want to let go of suffering, they will never be ‘happy’… and that’s why they cannot attract all those beautiful things into their life…

Realizing this will bring the greatest change in your life: understanding that you actually like to suffer and that is why you don’t have certain things.



Photo by Melanie Deziel on Unsplash
