Everything simply IS, and that is wholeness

Just because an energy is labelled ‘negative’ by the mind, it is still just as much energy, and just as present. Like an electron that is negatively charged, it is also ‘something’, it has an effect, it is not an absence.

So when we talk about negative energy, it is also ‘something’.

When you make negative energy flow, you are also in give and take, only what flows is hate, anger, suffering, pain.

And when I say you can choose, I’m talking about being free to choose not to choose that. In fact, no one is telling you what you have to choose.

There is an established program on Earth that you have to suffer. Here in Europe, for 2000 years, the program has been that you were cast out of paradise and came into the world a sinner.

Whatever you do, you have f***ed up. Obviously it works in other parts of the world as well, where they believe in karma for example, if you do anything: you create karma, so you have f***ed it up. 

When you start to feel good and you look out into the world and you see everybody else is suffering, you feel guilty. How the hell can you feel good when everybody else is suffering. It’s an incredibly negative program.

That’s why you don’t dare to actually feel good because you think that you’re really guilty. Because you’ve done a lot of things and you think you have to be punished for it.

But you’ve actually caused this energy to yourself, so you can let it go at any time.

You don’t have to cleanse yourself of anything, because there is no such thing as purity. Whatever you choose will always contain a negative and a positive.

Everything simply IS, and that is wholeness.



Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash
