Dreams and goals are often truly life-sustaining…

Dreams and goals are often truly life-sustaining. 

When you work towards a goal or a dream, then you project a positive outcome that is worth fighting for. 

However, it only works if you can feel it, if you can live it in feelings and if you take active steps towards achieving it. 

Often the only ‘antidote’ to our negative, inhibiting patterns is action. 

Action can rewrite those unconscious patterns and rewire the brain so that you will act differently than before. 

It is almost impossible to extract patterns embedded in the unconscious, but you can acknowledge their existence and observe how they evoke instinctive reactions in you. 

If you can be disciplined enough in recognizing these automatic reactions, then acting deliberately in a different way will create new patterns of behavior in your life that are genuinely good for you. 

Manifestation techniques don’t really work because they don’t take into account generational and other patterns. 

A very small percentage of people will be rich using manifestation techniques, purely because they presumably don’t run generational patterns of poverty and guilt deep inside their unconscious, so they don’t have inhibiting programmes.

The other percentage, however, who manifest wealth or anything else, are able to heal their generational patterns and what they have brought with them, by healing their patterns through action. 

Life goals along with action are important. This is what makes you invincible. 



Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash
