Do not get involved in the drama!

I know you are used to playing your role in this play but please don’t do it now. The eagerness to suffer is a collective role just like so many others. We suffer to feel a part of the collective rhythm or to gain advantage, even if unconsciously.

I know it sounds bad, just as much as saying ‘always be an optimist’. Both grow from the same stem. They show it is only in extremes that you can feel you are somebody or belong somewhere.

Participating in the drama and suffering makes you believe that you are one with others. Which is really true on the level of love but not on the level of the mind.

If you join in the drama, you exclude love because you are one in fear, suffering and a negative vision of the future. If you connect in an unjustified positivity, that is not love either because you cannot accept the concerns of others.

What can be the solution?

To distance yourself from this situation, observe what you use suffering for and what others are using it for.

To not deny real problems in a childish optimism.

To stay stable and not slide into extremes, to be able to recognize reality but not think about it too much and not buy into the negative herd spirit.

To understand that society is using suffering for gaining advantage and rejecting responsibility.

There is no one to blame here.

If you are looking for one, you cannot focus on the solution. Losing things is painful only if you immerse in the drama and concentrate on lack.

From another point of view losing things always brings the hope of something new. Think twice, what are you going to choose?

The greatest loss can also bring a new beginning.

But if we don’t let go of what we cannot hold onto, it will wrap us into fear and stop us from starting anew. No matter how much we long for stability.

There is none here and there won’t be any. This is the rhythm you need to learn to welcome now with serenity and hope.

