Category: Everyday Insights

Everything simply IS, and that is wholeness

Just because an energy is labelled ‘negative’ by the mind, it is still just as much energy, and just as present. Like an electron that is negatively charged, it is also ‘something’, it has an effect, it is not an absence. So when we talk about negative energy, it is also ‘something’. When you make...

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The best and most you can do is to let go of control

Explore the depths, get to the bottom of everything, and there you will find yourself! Don’t be scared if you encounter something you don’t like: it’s also You! Now you are looking into the bottom of your soul to be fully yourself. The more you avoid these situations, the more the fears will intensify –...

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Allow it…

Your inner secrets, suppressed desires, emotions waiting to be fully experienced fill your consciousness and your life completely. The more you struggle, escape, rationalize, the deeper you dig what would finally like to come to the surface. Allow it! Allow it to happen, and if you are able to do it fully, without fear, you will...

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You have the ability to see the wounds in the very depth of your soul and heal them

Until you realize that you yourself cause every pain, you have no chance for healing.  If, however, you can see this even for a moment today, then you have stepped outside of your prison. But you must reach deep for that! You are able to heal your body and soul in an instant. Take your energies...

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Don’t be afraid of wisdom!

Almost all the people suffer from not daring to trust their own wisdom, the existence of an inner divine voice that, intertwined with the personality, is able to see the answers. That’s why everyone is looking for fortune tellers, clairvoyants, asking the cards and masters… but actually this wisdom can be found in us all...

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