Category: Berni

The masters of life

Becoming a master of life means being able to rise above the influences that affect us. These influences are many and varied and require a great deal of attention and discipline not to let them affect our lives and emotions.  We are dependent on the ideas of others, on community ideals, on expectations and even on our own ingrained patterns....

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We do not learn anymore

We do not learn anymore.  We are being tested on what we have learned.  We are taking a clarity test, an acceptance of reality test and a test on understanding that the world flows as it can, people feel and act as they can.  The question is how do you react to it? What do you let in?  What does...

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What do you need to get out of?

The situation you’re in. Out of what has become your reality and what you believe to be true. What do you need to get out of?  What is it that you are not even aware of, that is not yours? Is it a situation, a thought, an emotion?  Maybe what you thought was you is not even real? These seem to be the real...

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The processing of trauma

We really need to start processing all traumas at a community level.  Every welfare society has done this. I have spent and most of my recent years and I still am researching the impact of historical trauma on the individual. I am struck by the extraordinary impact they have on our individual existence, our relationships, our health....

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You are not the only one …

You’re not the only one with a terrible story. I have one too. She also has one. You’re not the only one disappointed. So am I. So is she.  You’re not the only one who’s suffering. So am I and so is he.  You’re not the only one who takes out your fears and anxieties on others. I did it too....

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The reality is always our life …

The biggest problem with most modern spiritual and self-development teachings is that they drag you into the deep pit of illusions and make you addicted.  They make you believe that all is well as it is, that everything starts with you and they give you a false sense of security that mostly ignores reality.  The reality...

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Dreams and goals are often truly life-sustaining…

Dreams and goals are often truly life-sustaining.  When you work towards a goal or a dream, then you project a positive outcome that is worth fighting for.  However, it only works if you can feel it, if you can live it in feelings and if you take active steps towards achieving it.  Often the only ‘antidote’ to our negative, inhibiting patterns is action.  Action can...

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We are waiting…

We are waiting.  We are waiting for a miracle to happen and for the Universe to grant it. It always does. It puts it in front of us. The encounters, the moments, the signs. Because the Universe and we are not separated. In our moments of clarity when the blessing arrives, we are ourselves. There, somehow,...

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While you are still counting steps…

While you are still counting steps, you are not really dancing. You can’t be in the music, in the flow, in your partner.  As long as you are counting the steps, you are in a closed world, a world of predictability, fear, doubt.  As long as you are counting the steps, you can’t dance. You are neither music, nor feeling,...

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We should fall in love with the moments…

We should fall in love with the moments somehow and breathe them in.  We should fall in love with the very moment when a drop of rain gets caught in the sunlight. With the moment, when the wind blows into our face. With the moment when we can spot the sky in a puddle of water. It all seems so trivial in the...

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