All is well the way it is

The second greatest illusion a seeker will face is wanting to solve things in his or her life. 

I know everything points in this direction and it ‘seems’ (that is why we call it illusion) that you can really do something against your problems or for the good things… but ‘unfortunately’ it isn’t that way.

I can’t explain it in a post but I could compare it to taking a trip to a town in order to experience something – you don’t go there just to find the way out.

That would be quite stupid… and believe me, it is the same way with the soul. You don’t encounter an experience (no matter how negative it may seem) in order to find your way out of it.

You didn’t go up the ‘I don’t love myself’ hill just to come down, but to see the view from there. But as long as you keep looking for the way down, you will never find it. Because the way down is through stopping and looking around.

So let go of striving, the wish to solve things – even if everyone keeps urging you to act, to fight, to change and improve. These don’t really work. Or they don’t work THE WAY you think they do: finding a solution for your issues sooner by progressing better…

(I am only telling the more advanced ones that in truth you could come down the hill of ‘I don’t love myself’ anytime if you really wanted to… but more about this later.)

You can acquire the state of ALL IS WELL THE WAY IT IS and practice it in your everyday life. So that you can experience: your purpose of going up the hill was not coming down.


Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash
