

We don't really need more wisdom.


Everything has already been said and written down multiple times, in a number of ways.


What we need is a real-life interpretation of these wisdoms and ways in which they can be applied to

real-life scenarios in our everyday lives.


This is what this page is about.




Leaving his career in multinational companies behind, Kunó began studying and later teaching astrosophy, giving lectures in the subject. He organized more and more retreats about self-discovery and awakening to the Self. In 2012 he founded Unio Mystica publishing company for books that help the readers on their path to their innermost self.

"Who am I? 

During a long and exciting journey, peeling off the load of many lifetimes, I had to dive into the darkest depth of my soul, facing my own dragons and then bring up what I had found: Myself. Eventually the journey of many questions and suffering turned into another kind of journey.

I got enlightened.

Life continued just the same but it is as if I was on the backs since then, on the other side of where I used to be. Nothing is what it seems to be and it turns out that all is well as it is. And I: I am.

And since then, all I have to do is pass this on to others: that suffering and searching for answers can be stopped at any time.

The story of my enlightenment: I was suffering and then I stopped it."

Berni Barna

In 2010 Berni created her blog called Cherry and Jazz that is the fusion of flavors, literature and music. In 2011 she won the literature prize of Ulpius Publishing and her writings were appearing in several places. 

The One

Her book The One – The Book was published in 2016, recording her journey and encounter with the greatest Masters of the world

In 2018 her book entitled The male-female myth. Romeo kills Juliet about a new approach to human relationships was published. 

Currently she is regularly publishing in Stylemagazin and gives lectures, leads group talks. 

She is also working on her third book, while her first The One is waiting for its publication in the US.

Anna Zentai

Anna is a weaver, self-discovery coach and astrosophist.

She shares daily transit forecasts, self-discovery and spiritual writings on her blog and Facebook page.